How to Make the Most of National Dental Care Month 2024

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Every May, dental professionals and oral health advocates unite to celebrate National Dental Care Month. This observance serves as a pivotal moment to highlight the importance of maintaining good oral hygiene and to encourage habits that prevent dental diseases. The inception of National Dental Care Month traces back to dental... Read more »

Thank Your Amazing Dental Assistant And Eat More Nutrient-Rich Foods

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March holds a special place in the hearts of dental professionals and patients alike, as it marks Dental Assistants Recognition Week. This week is dedicated to celebrating the invaluable contributions your dental assistant makes to the dental practice, ensuring its smooth operation and enhancing your care and treatment. In essence,... Read more »

New Year, New Smile: Dental Resolutions For A Healthier 2024

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As the calendar turns to a new year, it’s an opportune moment to pause, reflect and embark on a journey towards better health and happiness. While resolutions often center around fitness and nutrition, the significance of oral health should not be overlooked. As you consider your dental resolutions for the... Read more »

How to Keep Your Teeth Safe During the Wintertime

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As the days get shorter and the temperature steadily drops, we instinctively seek to warm up by donning extra layers to stay warm. While we take great care to protect our bodies from the chilly temperatures, we might not give much thought to how winter can affect our oral health.... Read more »

Do You Know How Diabetes Can Affect Your Smile?

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This November (National Diabetes Month), we are looking at how diabetes impacts your oral health. It’s essential to recognize the interconnectedness of your overall health with your dental health in general and explore how making healthy choices can significantly benefit both areas of your health and well-being. The Diabetes-Oral Health... Read more »

Gum Care and Age: How to Navigate Oral Health Through the Years

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For the month of September, we welcome National Gum Care Month, a timely reminder of the importance of maintaining healthy gums during every stage of life. Our gum health, like the four seasons, evolves with age, requiring varying degrees of care and attention. From childhood to adulthood and into the... Read more »

Tips for Maintaining Oral Hygiene During Your Summer Vacation

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Summer vacations are a time to relax, explore new destinations and create lasting memories. While enjoying your break, it’s essential not to neglect your oral hygiene routine. Ignoring dental care during vacations can potentially lead to oral health issues, which can put a damper on your well-deserved time off. To... Read more »